Steel Bridge Fabrication

Intermediate & Simple Steel Bridge Fabrication
Pleasant Mount Welding, Inc. has the resources and experience necessary to tackle any size structural steel bridge project. We use state of the art detailing software to produce accurate and clear shop drawings, based on YOUR schedule. PMWI is AISC Certified for fabricating simple steel bridges, intermediate steel bridges, highway and bridge components, fracture critical steel members, and sophisticated coating. Our sophisticated coating capabilities include galvanizing, priming, and painting to ensure the quality of our product doesn't deteriorate over time. PMWI's quality and commitment to customer service is unparalleled by anyone.
AISC Certifications

60'-0" Long Beam Line at our 8th Avenue Manufacturing Facility
The equipment, machines, and experience of the personnel here at Pleasant Mount Welding, Inc. allow us to fabricate large span Structural Bridge Girders with extreme precision and accuracy. We have two 60' long beam lines that drill holes within a 1/32 of an inch. We are AISC certified to fabricate intermediate and simple steel bridges, with fracture critical and sophisticated coatings endorsements.